At Medbridge, we believe that a more diverse and inclusive group of instructors, models, and patients will benefit the industry and will better reflect the diversity of the communities our clients serve. As an organization, we continually seek to increase diversity within allied health professions through initiatives such as expanding our content library to feature more people of color and other underrepresented populations.
We've recently made a major update Medbridge Home Exercise Program (HEP) that replaces many of our most popular exercises with versions that better reflect this diversity of patients Medbridge’s clients serve. We've included answers to key questions about this update here as well as the exact exercises that have been replaced.
How does this impact past patient programs?
There will be no change to programs already assigned. Existing patient programs will continue to have the previous exercise included.
How does this impact updated patient programs?
As new updates are made to current patient programs, a new version of the exercise will be reflected going forward.
How does this impact templates?
If you or your organization has pre-built templates that include these exercises, the exercises will be replaced with the new exercise video.
Are the exercises the same?
Exercises were filmed to mimic the exact demonstration of the previous video.
How is Medbridge continuing to support diversity in their Patient Ed and HEP offerings?
Medbridge has a dedicated and consistent focus to incorporate a diversity of models within each filming shoot to ensure we are accurately reflecting the diversity of patients you serve.
Updated Articles
Active Straight Leg Raise with Quad Set
Single Leg Stance
Bird Dog |
Sit to Stand Without Arm Support
Clamshell with Resistance
Sitting Calf Stretch
Flexion-Extension Shoulder Pendulum with Table Support
Small Range Straight Leg Raise
Gastroc Stretch with Foot at Wall
Soleus Stretch on Wall
Isometric Shoulder Flexion at Wall
Standing Heel Raise
Leg Press |
Standing Lumbar Extension
Long Sitting Ankle Eversion with Resistance
Standing Shoulder Horizontal Abduction with Resistance
Long Sitting Ankle Inversion with Resistance
Standing Shoulder Internal Rotation Stretch with Towel
Long Sitting Ankle Plantar Flexion with Resistance
Supine Ankle Pumps
Long Sitting Quad Set
Supine Bridge |
Modified Thomas Stretch
Supine Bridge with Resistance Band
Pendulum with Plinth
Supine Chin Tuck
Prone Hip Extension
Supine Figure 4 Piriformis Stretch
Prone Press Up
Supine Hamstring Stretch
Prone Press Up on Elbows
Supine Hip Adduction Isometric with Ball
Seated Ankle Alphabet
Supine ITB Stretch with Strap
Seated Cervical Retraction
Supine Knee Extension Strengthening
Seated Cervical Sidebending Stretch
Supine Lower Trunk Rotation (Bilateral)
Seated Gentle Upper Trapezius Stretch
Supine March |
Seated Levator Scapulae Stretch
Supine Piriformis Stretch with Foot on Ground
Seated Long Arc Quad
Supine Short Arc Quad
Seated March |
Supine Shoulder External Rotation with Dowel
Seated Upper Trapezius Stretch
Supine Shoulder Flexion with Dowel
Shoulder Extension with Resistance
Supine Single Knee to Chest Stretch
Shoulder Internal Rotation with Resistance
Supine Transversus Abdominis Bracing - Hands on Stomach
Sidelying Shoulder External Rotation