Onboarding is a critical time period in an employee’s work experience, and employees who receive a comprehensive, quality educational program will be more equipped for success. By leveraging MedBridge resources and tools, you can better prepare your staff for the unique demands of hospice care that will support a long-tenure and successful career at your organization.
Below you will find a recommended onboarding curriculum for new nurse hires. MedBridge recommends you build one Knowledge Track with all the information below, creating separate sections for each area. This can then be assigned to all nurses at your organization automatically.
This track can be customized to fit your needs, including adding or removing MedBridge courses or your agency's custom content. We recommend assigning one section per week, but the timing of this can be adjusted to fit the needs of your agency.
For more information about building Knowledge Tracks, check out Getting Started With the MedBridge LMS
Track Name: Welcome to Hospice Care for Nurses
Track Description: This training covers fundamental hospice care, bridging the gap for clinical staff into care delivery within the home.
Section 1: Week 1 - Hospice Fundamentals Part 1
Course Title | Video Run Time (Minutes) |
25 |
What to Expect in Hospice: The Four Levels of Care (Hospice 101) |
34 |
The Role of the Hospice Team: What Does the Patient/Family Need? |
39 |
Home Visits in Hospice: Quality and Comfort Toward End of Life* |
54 |
Defining Hospice Nursing: What the Best Hospice Care Looks Like* |
45 |
Total Section Time | 3.25 hours |
* This course can be omitted from the onboarding curriculum for experienced hospice clinicians.
Section 2: Week 2 - Hospice Fundamentals Part 2
Course Title | Video Run Time (Minutes) |
Advance Directives: Terminology, Elements, and the Role of the Clinician |
50 |
15 |
45 |
Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI) in Hospice |
10 |
45 |
Total Section Time | 2.75 hours |
Section 3: Week 3 - Case Management, Pain and Symptom Management
Course Title | Video Run Time (Minutes) |
Understanding and Maximizing Your Role as a Hospice Case Manager |
36 |
Serious Incidents and Sentinel Events in Home Care and Hospice |
32 |
32 |
35 |
Signs and Symptoms of Approaching Patient Death in Hospice Care* |
25 |
50 |
Total Section Time | 3.5 hours |
* This course can be omitted from the onboarding curriculum for experienced hospice clinicians.
Section 4: Week 4 - Hospice Regulations and Admission Process
Course Title | Video Run Time (Minutes) |
32 |
27 |
15 |
Admissions Process: The Hospice Medicare Election and Addendum |
20 |
Admissions Process: Conveying of Charges for Care of Service* |
13 |
53 |
32 |
17 |
35 |
43 |
Total Section Time | 4.67 hours |
* This course can be omitted from the onboarding curriculum for experienced hospice clinicians.
Section 5: Week 5 - Hospice Recertification, Death and Discharge
Course Title | Video Run Time (Minutes) |
34 |
17 |
24 |
47 |
15 |
Total Section Time | 2.25 hours |
* This course can be omitted from the onboarding curriculum for experienced hospice clinicians.
In addition to these courses, you may want to assign regulatory and compliance training to your staff. For recommended MedBridge courses to fit these need, please view one of the articles below based on your organization's needs:
Content recommendations are intended to help give you additional resources for your ongoing learning and patient care. We will be adding content recommendations for additional settings and solutions over time. To provide feedback on this offering or request additional content recommendations, please visit this link.