Video Transcript
As an administrator, you can easily track how your new clinicians are progressing through the onboarding process.
In this video, we’ll review how to view clinician onboarding metrics using the Checklist Reporting and Analytics Dashboard.
Start by logging into your MedBridge account and navigating to the Skill Administration dashboard by clicking on My Practice, Skill Administration. From the dashboard, you can view high level activity reporting using the two graphs. The first graph will show you the Average Time to Completion for skills checklists assigned to your staff.
The blue bars denote what month the checklist was assigned as well as how many checklists were completed. The height of each bar indicates the average time taken to complete a checklist, helping you to see the average time to productivity for new hires. Hover over each of the blue bars to view additional details including average days to completion, assignments completed, and assignments in progress. The graph below will show a breakdown of checklists completed on time, completed late, and assignments in progress.
When viewing checklist reporting, it’s best practice to start by filtering to a specific skill group. This allows you to look at all users who are completing the same checklist, rather than comparing different checklists to each other, and will give you the most accurate measure of average time to complete. From here, you can dial in your results using the Discipline, Clinic, Region, and Assignment Date filters.
To view the state of progress at the clinician level, click on Assignment Report in the upper right of the page. Note that filters applied on the dashboard homepage will carry over to all reports. Additionally, you can change these filters on the detail report as well as filter your report by assignment status.
On the Assignment Detail Report, you can see the information broken down by clinician name, clinic, completion date, and more. This allows you to see at a glance which users have completed their checklists and which users are still in progress. To download this report as an excel file or CSV, click the download button in the upper right. To navigate back to the dashboard, click the back button in the upper left.
If you need to prepare a full transcript of all skill completions for a surveyor or auditor, you can do so quickly by clicking on Skill Transcript in the upper right. This report will show every skill each user has completed, when they were marked complete, who their primary preceptor was, and more. This report can be downloaded as an Excel or CSV by clicking on the download link so it can be easily filed or shared with a surveyor. If needed, this report can also be filtered by skill group, discipline, hire date, and more.