Video Transcript
With thousands of exercises and patient education across multiple disciplines and specialties, Medbridge HEP allows you to customize a program to fit your patient’s specific needs. In fact, 98% of patients surveyed were highly satisfied with the Medbridge Home Exercise Program.
You can build a home program from scratch or by using templates. In this tutorial, we’ll review how to build an HEP from scratch.
To build a new program for an existing patient, start by navigating to the HEP Builder tab. From the HEP Builder, you can view templates under the Templates tab, education under the Patient Education tab, and individual exercises under the Exercises tab.
To find an exercise, type the name of the exercise into the search bar and click search. Next you can sort the results by most recent, most sent, and more. Once you’ve found the appropriate exercise for your patient, you can drag and drop the tile to the program builder... or click the “add” button. Repeat this process for any additional exercises you want to add to your patient’s program.
You can click the favorite icon to add the exercise to your favorites. You can access your favorited exercises under the Exercise Libraries section.
You can also use filters to find exercises.
You can customize an exercise to best meet your patient’s needs by clicking on the tile. From here, you can preview the video and make changes to the title of the exercise, which will impact the title on your profile, but will not change the title for your colleagues.
You can also edit the description and frequency, add custom parameters for weight and resistance, mirror the exercise, or provide additional program notes.
Once you’ve updated the exercise, you can choose to save your customizations as the default settings for this exercise for the next time you build an HEP. You can also change the default parameters for all exercises by clicking “set defaults for all exercises.” Next, add the exercise to the program.
From inside the Program, you can continue to customize select parameters, and you can always click on the exercise to make changes as well.
For the best results, we recommend adding 3 to 5 exercises to a program.
In addition to exercises, providing patient education helps improve outcomes and promotes self-management of care, and Medbridge has a wealth of high quality content to include in your program. To do this, click on the Patient Education tab. From there, you can use the search tool, just like you would on the exercises page. You can also browse by category, such as chronic conditions, speech language pathology, and one-handed ADLs.
Once you’ve added your exercises and education to the Program, you can add program notes. From there, share it with your patient via email, text, or print...Or save it as a template to save yourself time in the future and promote consistency of care.
Thanks for watching our demonstration on how to build a home exercise program.