We love building the tools to help you improve the lives of your patients. We also understand that engaging your patients as active participants in their recovery plan is a challenge that requires effective communication. We've got you covered.
Below are all the assets you'll need to get your patients activated and using the MedBridge GO app, including: flyers, posters, videos, and other shareable content for your website, emails, and social media.
In addition to these resources, you can also direct your patients to the Patient Help Center at support.medbridgego.com for additional assistance with their home program.
Print Materials
Patient Support Material
Account Setup Guides
Consider sharing these documents with your patients to make sure they can successfully login and setup their accounts
At *Name of Clinic*, we want to get you on the path to a healthy recovery as quickly as we can, so we are excited to tell you about MedBridge GO, our new mobile app that allows you to watch videos of the home exercises we prescribe during your visit. The mobile app is completely free to download, and also includes education videos to help you learn more about your specific condition. Keep track of your progress every day and together we will get you back to the life you enjoy!