Video Transcript
With Utilization Analytics, you can easily track how your team is using the Medbridge platform and collect data based on the metrics most important to your organization.
In this video, we’ll review how to view activity reports using the Utilization Analytics tool.
Begin by navigating to My Practice and select Utilization Analytics. From here, you will see your dashboards for Patient Engagement, Education & Training, and Login activity.
On the dashboard, you can see at a glance how many users have logged into their Medbridge account in the last 12 months. To view your organization’s login activity, click on “Detail Report: No Login” in the Login Activity dashboard. All reports within the Utilization Analytics tool can be filtered by Discipline, Clinic, Region, and Date Range using the drop-downs at the top of the page. To return to your dashboard summary, click on the back button above “Detail Report”. Note that using the browser’s back button will navigate away from the Utilization Analytics tool.
To view Patient Engagement activity, click on the Patient Engagement dashboard. The top window will show you your organization’s patient engagement programs created monthly, yearly, and weekly by clinicians, as well as the number of patient logins and what platforms patients are logging in from. The graph below denotes the overall volume of programs created as well as patient logins. Organizations with high levels of patient engagement have more patient logins than programs created, which is shown when the yellow line is above the blue.
The section below shows electronic sharing metrics with the percent of programs shared electronically on the right, and a graph showing the correlation between electronic sharing and patient logins on the left. When compared to print only programs, patients are 9 times more likely to login to their program if it is electronically shared. The table at the bottom of the page allows you to toggle between region and clinic views of activity. To view clinician-level detail, click on the Detail Report Link.
For information on how your staff are using Medbridge’s education offerings, navigate to the Education & Training dashboard by either returning to the dashboard summary page or clicking on the tab at the top of the page. At the top of the dashboard, you’ll find your organization’s course metrics including courses started, courses completed, CEUs earned, and how many users have started course work in the last 12 months. To view a report on users who have not started a course, click on the Detail report: No Course Started button at the right of the window.
The graph below will show what types of courses your users have completed including CE, compliance, and webinars. The next window will show you course activity filtered by clinic or region. A full report can be viewed by clicking on the See Details button at the upper right. At the bottom of the page, you will find Education & training activity sorted by courses. Here you can see which courses have the most starts, completions, and CEUs earned at your organization.
Thanks for watching our demonstration on Utilization Analytics. To learn more, visit the Medbridge Help Center.
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