If your organization has integrated MedBridge with NetHealth Therapy, you can even more efficiently build and share home programs with your patients. In this article, we'll review how to use the MedBridge NetHealth Therapy Integrated HEP Builder.
Building a New Program
- Start by signing into your EMR and selecting your patient. Once selected, your patient’s name will appear in the header.
- Launch MedBridge by clicking Tools > Launch > MedBridge. For the best experience, we recommend accessing MedBridge in Firefox or Chrome. If you use a different browser by default, we recommend copying and pasting the URL into Firefox or Chrome.
- Once you’ve launched MedBridge, be sure to verify the patient’s name, then select Build Program to open the HEP Builder.
- Search for the exercises you’d like. You can add exercises by clicking and dragging them into the exercise program builder, or by selecting the Add button.
- Once you’ve built your program, you can save the program or share it with your patient via Email, Text, or Print. Sharing programs via email and text message makes logging in a breeze for patients, leading to increased adherence and patient satisfaction. Saving or sharing the program will automatically save it in NetHealth Therapy.
Viewing a Saved Program
To see a saved copy of the program, navigate back to Patient Documentation in the EMR. Click Refresh, and the program will appear as an attachment.
Launching from NetHealth Therapy Scheduling
You can also launch MedBridge from NetHealth Therapy Scheduling.
- Similarly, after selecting your patient, click Tools > Launch > MedBridge to be brought into the MedBridge platform.
- Since you have already created a program for this patient, select Update Program in order to generate a new attachment, and you'll be taken to the HEP Builder.
- From here, you can add, delete, and edit exercises. Once you’ve made your changes, click Save. A banner will appear at the bottom of the screen to confirm that everything has been sent over to the EMR correctly. Your patient will automatically see the updated program the next time they log into the MedBridge app or online patient portal.
- You can go back into Scheduling and refresh by changing between the clinic locations.
- Next, you can double click on the attachments. Here, we see that the second attachment was correctly sent over, and the second program includes the edits we made.