This article provides information on who you should contact for support whether you are an admin, clinician, or patient, and will direct you to the correct contact information depending on your specific needs.
If you're unable to find the answer to your questions here on the Help Center, we have several teams available to help you depending on what you need assistance with.
Phone and Email: 6a - 5p Pacific, M-F
Chat: 8a - 2p Pacific, M-F
Below, you'll find contact information for our various support teams. Find the option that best matches your needs and our team will be happy to answer any questions you have!
Clinicians, Therapists, and Providers
If you are a clinician, therapist, or provider using our products and need technical help or have usage questions, contact Customer Support.
Organization Admins
If you are an admin for your organization and need assistance, we have two groups to help you depending on your needs:
Technical, How-To, and Product Usage Questions
Contact Admin Support
Email: Contact Us
Phone: 206-822-6111
Chat: Click the chat bubble in the lower right
Invoice or Payment Questions
Contact Accounting & Billing: 8am to 5pm PST, M-F
Email: Contact Us
Phone: 206-590-6751 (voicemail only)
If you are a patient needing assistance with using Medbridge GO or Pathways, please visit our Patient Help Center.