To make sure that we offer the most up-to-date content, Medbridge reviews our courses on an annual basis. When a course is determined to be out of date, the decision is made to retire the course. Below are some frequently asked questions about course retirement.
I’ve already taken the course that is being retired. What does this mean for me?
Once a course has been retired, you won’t be able to review the course; however, you’ll still be able to access your certificate so long as you completed the survey prior to the retirement date. To download your course certificate, simply log in to your account and go to the “Certificates” tab. Learn more about downloading certificates from this help page.
What if I want to review the course?
Once a course has been retired, it is no longer available in our course catalog for review.
Will the CEUs I earned for this course still count?
Yes. Since the course was completed before it was retired, you will earn CEU credit.
Will the course be replaced with an updated version?
Some courses will have replacements launched when the course is retired. Courses produced on an annual basis such as compliance and ethics courses will be replaced with an updated version. Other continuing education courses may or may not have a replacement.
Before a course is retired, the course description will be updated to notify you the last day you'll be able to finish the course to receive credit.
I’m a Knowledge Track (KT) Admin at my organization. What do I need to do if a course in one of my knowledge tracks is being retired?
You will be notified when a course featured in one of your Knowledge Tracks is being retired, along with any relevant replacement courses.
We do not recommend that you edit an existing Knowledge Track. Instead, we recommend you take the following steps:
- Make a copy of the Knowledge Track (see this help page for information on how to do this).
- If there is a replacement course provided, add the course to the track
- Turn on your auto assignment (see this help page for information on this) or assign it to your users.
- You can then archive your old Knowledge Track if you would no longer like it to appear in the admin facing library