Medbridge Certification Prep Programs are self guided 15-20 week courses designed to give you the tools you need to pass the test, gain expertise, and elevate the profession—all while earning CEUs.
Our prep programs include courses, recommended readings, and hundreds of test items and simulated exams.
Prep programs that Medbridge is currently offering:
- Sports (SCS)
- Orthopedics (OCS)
- Geriatrics (GCS)
- Neurology (NCS)
- Pediatrics (PCS)
- Nursing (CRRN)
- Hand Therapist (CHT)
Medbridge Prep Programs also include courses, resources, and practice exams that dive into topics including specific conditions and the foundations of patient care management.
To make sure that we address all topics necessary for the exam, we work with consultants who have helped structure the program based off the Description of Speciality Practice (DSP) and Resident Programs, as well as consultants who have taken the specialty exams themselves.
To locate the Certification Prep programs, click Education & Training, then Certification Prep:
Scroll down to view All Prep Programs and click View Program.
From here, you can either click Start Studying Now or scroll further to view an introductory video before starting the program.
You'll notice that Medbridge Prep Programs are divided into sections that have been designed to best prepare you for the real exam. However, you are welcome to complete the courses and sections in a different order or structure that works best for your learning.