Organizations who purchase Medbridge after March 1, 2024 can enable single sign-on (SSO) at no additional charge. This allows your staff to log in with an existing username and password rather than creating a separate username and password, streamlining your staff's Medbridge experience.
SSO is enabled at the request of a practice-level administrator at your organization. To request SSO enablement, head to the Organization Settings page by selecting My Practice and then selecting Settings. From the Single Sign-On card, select Request.
Once you request SSO enablement for your staff, a member of the Medbridge Implementation team will reach out to start the process.
In order to get started, we ask that you send the below information to your Security or IT Team to complete the initial SSO setup pieces outlined below:
- Provide your organization’s SSO metadata information.
- Provide the unique identifier that will be sent by the IDP to authenticate the user. This unique identifier will be set to the “Name Id” Claim rule parameter with a ‘.format of “Unspecified”. In many cases, this is the Employee ID.
- Identify a user for testing. This could be a test user or a real account. Provide the associated email address.
- Identify the preferred login subdomain. This is the URL your users will see at login. For example, or
- Review the Medbridge Technical Requirements, ensuring all domains and IP addresses are safelisted.