When your organization is implementing new digital care tools, it can be difficult to get the whole staff on board. To help your clinicians make the transition into the world of digital health, we’ve created the following Knowledge Track, which you can assign to your staff to help increase digital care tool utilization.
The purpose of this track is to
- Show providers what digital healthcare is
- Highlight the benefits of digital care for patients and providers
- Teach users how to use MedBridge’s digital care tools
- Showcase best practices for digital care
Who can benefit from assigning this track?
- New organizations who are implementing MB as a digital care solution
- Organizations that are looking to increase their staff’s utilization of MedBridge’s digital care tools
Courses included in this track:
- What is Digital Care?
- Getting Started With the MedBridge Home Exercise Program
- Getting Started With the MedBridge HEP for HEP Lite Users
- Getting Started With Remote Therapeutic Monitoring
- Getting Started With MedBridge Telehealth
- Strategies for Effective Digital Patient Engagement
Step-by-Step Instructions
Jump to a section:
- Creating the Track
- Adding a Section
- Adding a Course
- Adding a Text & Links Module
- Assigning the Knowledge Track
Creating the Track
Follow the instructions below to build this Knowledge Track for your staff.
- After logging in to MedBridge, hover over My Practice and select Knowledge Tracks.
- In the upper right corner, select Create New Track.
- Select the Edit icon to change the name and description of the track.
- Update the title and description. Then, check the Sections must be taken in order checkbox. Select Done.
Adding a Section
- Select the Edit icon in the section card.
- Update the section title and add a description. Then select Done.
Adding a Course
- Select Add Content.
- Select Course.
- Search for "What is Digital Care?" Then, select Add to add it to the Knowledge Track.
- Select the X at the top of this section to move on to the next piece of content.
- Select Add Section.
- Update the section title and add a description. Then select Done.
- Select Add Content.
- Select Course. In this section, you'll add MedBridge Product Training courses based on your organization's products. Hover over Topic and select MedBridge Help and Resources. (Note: you may need to change the discipline to find this topic).
- Scroll through this list to find the courses you need. You'll find courses on HEP, HEP Lite, RTM, and more. Select the Add button to add the courses your staff needs to the track.
- Select the X at the top of this section to move on to the next piece of content.
Adding a Text & Links Module
- Select Add Content, then select Text & Links.
- Change the title and paste the code below into the description.
<center><h1>Looking for more support?</h1>
<p style="font-size: 16px;">Find articles, FAQs, tutorial videos and more by <a href="https://support.medbridge.com/hc/en-us/" target="_blank">visiting the MedBridge Help Center</a></p>
<a href="https://support.medbridge.com/hc/en-us/" target="_blank"><img src="https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/video-production-assets.medbridgeeducation.com/mradick/Help+Center+Uploads/Help+Center+Home+Page.png" width="80%"></a></center>
- Select Done.
- Select Add Section.
- Update the section title and add a description. Then select Done.
- Select Add Content.
- Select Course.
- Search for “Strategies for Effective Digital Patient Engagement." Then, select Add to add it to the Knowledge Track.
- Select the X at the top of this section.
- Select Save Track at the top of the page.
You've successfully built the Knowledge Track and can now assign it to your staff. We recommend following the steps below to create automatic assignment rules and notifications.
Assigning the Knowledge Track
- At the top of the page, select Notifications.
- In the User notification section, select Add.
- Use the drop downs to set the notification to "2 weeks before Knowledge Track due date." Select Save Notification.
- In the User notification section, select Add.
- Use the drop downs to set the notification to "3 days before Knowledge Track due date." Select Save Notification.
- Select Assign at the top of the page.
- Here, you can manually assign the track to any users by selecting them from the list. We recommend setting up automatic assignment rules. Select Automatic to get started.
- Select Edit Rule.
- Use the dropdowns to assign the track to all current and new members. Select Due date from the assign due date menu and set the time frame to 4 weeks. Select Assign.
- Choose the group you'd like to apply this rule to. We recommend assigning it to your entire organization for simplicity and consistency. Select Assign next to the organization name.
- Check the box to Notify users. Select Confirm.
- Your automatic assignment rule will start applying automatically. You can turn it off at any time by selecting Stop.
By creating this Knowledge Track, you're on your way to increasing digital care utilization at your organization. Find more digital care education programs below.