Note: Do not change the name or email address of an account to a different person. This process should only be followed to change the name or email address associated with the same person. If you need to assign a user’s subscription to a different user, follow this process
If you need to change one of your staff member’s names or email address, it’s easy to do so using our Organization Management tools.
For example, if a clinician changes their name after getting married, you may want to also update their Medbridge account.
To change a user’s name or email address,
- Navigate to the People page by hovering over My Practice and selecting People.
- Use the search bar to search for the user and select their name.
- Select Edit at the top of the page.
- Edit the name and/or email address in the fields at the top of the page.
- Select Save User.
A bar at the top of the page will confirm that the change was made, and you’ll see the user’s name has been updated. If the user’s email address has changed, they will no longer be able to log in using their old email address.