If you have assigned a Knowledge Track to your staff but no longer need them to complete it, you can easily unassign it from the Medbridge platform.
Unassigning a Knowledge Track
- From the Dashboard, navigate to your Knowledge Tracks library by selecting My Practice and then Knowledge Tracks.
- Find the Track you would like to unassign. Hover over it and select the 3 dots in the upper right corner. Then select Outcomes.
- From this page, you will see a summary of all users who have been assigned this Knowledge Track and their completion status. You can unassign the track from individual users by checking the box next to their name and selecting Unassign Selected.
If you search or filter this table, the unassign function will only apply to the users that appear within your search results. For example, if you filter to all users with the Physical Therapy discipline, you can select Unassign Filtered to unassign the track for all users that have that discipline.
You can also unassign the track from all users by selecting Unassign All when no users are selected or filtered.
When you select unassign, you will be prompted to confirm your choice. Review the number of users that the track is being unassigned from and confirm that is accurate. Then, select Unassign.
Note: If a track is unassigned from a user, all quiz and survey responses will be cleared and all Knowledge Track progress and completion certificates will be cleared. Reassigning the track to an unassigned user will restore their previous progress.
Unpublishing a Knowledge Track
If you have published a Knowledge Track and made it public to your organization, you can unpublish it so it is no longer available to staff.
- From the Dashboard, navigate to your Knowledge Tracks library by selecting My Practice and then Knowledge Tracks.
- Find the Track you would like to unpublish. Hover over it and select the 3 dots in the upper right corner. Then select Manage Public View.
- A modal will appear where you can adjust settings. You can choose to select a different user group, or completely unpublish it by toggling the switch in the upper right corner.