Need to update the content in a Knowledge Track for a new year, new reporting period, or new requirement? Instead of editing an active track, Medbridge recommends copying the track, making your changes to the copy, and then distributing/assigning the copied version to your staff.
After copying the Knowledge Track you can reassign courses that are already completed. This is useful for annual compliance training or recurring education initiatives. This article walks you through how to copy a Knowledge Track.
1. Sign into Medbridge.
2. Go to the My Practice dropdown menu from your dashboard.
3. Select Knowledge Tracks.
4. Locate the specific track by searching for the track, or find it under your recently accessed tracks.
5. Hover over the track and either select Edit to go to the builder, or simply select the Make a copy shortcut in the More Options drop down with the three-dot button.
If you selected Edit or are already in the builder, select the three-dot button in the upper right corner of the track settings, then select Make a copy.
6. After selecting Make a Copy, you’ll be prompted to edit the Track Name if desired.
Any courses that were retired by Medbridge since the original Knowledge Track was created are listed here, and will be automatically removed from the new copy of the track. Because retired courses are no longer accredited, they cannot be assigned. The original track will not be changed.
This is a great way to ensure that your knowledge tracks contain the most up-to-date courses, and can even be used to audit existing tracks for retired courses if desired.
If you need assistance with selecting replacement courses, please contact admin support.
Select Create & Edit to open the new copy in the builder and continue editing.
Select Save to Library to save the copy and stay on your current screen.
Either option creates the copy and makes it available in the Knowledge Track library if you need to find it again.
7. Select Create & Edit to go to the builder and edit the track content as needed. You have the option to require a retake if a course needs to be taken again. This cannot be changed after the track has been assigned to users.
8. When you are finished adding content, select Save Track to save your changes.
When you’re ready to grant access to the track, select Assign Track to send the new track to selected users, or Publish to Organization to make the track available to anyone in your org.
Remember that when updating knowledge tracks, saving the track will only update changes, and you’ll need to Assign or Publish in order to make the changes accessible to those in your organization.
Congrats! You’ve successfully copied, edited, and published your new Knowledge Track.
For more help with creating Knowledge Tracks, check out these videos in our help center.